Here is a great link for you by Debbie:
Among the other furry creatures that I have seen and do have pictures of dine on the cat food on my back deck. They come and eat whatever my cats do not eat. I once tried to move a dish with too much food from a raccoon and that raccoon surprised me. It picked up the dish and pulled it towards him and then proceeded to take it to the other side of the deck. He did not growl or try to attack me. I left it with him, and he did get a really fulfilling meal that night. |

They may look like big rats, but they all have a family affair when the show up on my deck. Sometimes it is one that will come up to also finish the cat food and then sometimes there will be a family of about three or four that will come up. They do not like the cats at all and will stay away from them. When surprised they will growl and attack the stick or broom that you are trying to move them with. Never have I had them go around the broom or stick to attack me. I often wonder where they go when they mosey into the forest behind my house. I often wonder where they sleep. One thing that I do know is that they stink to high heaven. They smell like stale mud.

There are French doors there and we can see through the glass. Here is one, without a tail, that was feeding at the blue bowls for breakfast. He was born without that tail and sad to say I did not see him again the next year.

Pileated Wood Pecker. I have tried many times to get a good picture of this bird but it is very camera shy. The picture that I did finally get was taken through the screen of my window. Each time that I would point my camera to the bird when it was on the tree behind my deck that sucker would go around that tree. I tried waiting for it one day and it finally flew off into the woods and didn’t return that day. Now the birds are many in this area and are all protected species.

The next year it was two and so with three years after that and the last time she had three again. Then we had to take down that tree because in an ice storm we had in early October most of the branches broke off of the tree. That was when we found that the whole tree was hollow. It was a nice, roomy place to build nests and other critter’s homes too. I know some lost their homes and maybe even their lives when the tree limbs fell. I do not see the Pileated Wood Peckers out back now. I know they are around though as one has pecked a hole and made a nest in one of the trees along the street in my front yard.
Doing so the thought came to mind that I was saving the enemy. These birds are gorgeous, We also have Blue Jays and I got the opportunity to save a baby the other day. While I was but they are as mean as mean can be when they find something to eat. I have seen these beautiful birds attack cats and other birds for food. I have seen them empty a bowl of cat food in less than ten minutes. I have seen them dive bomb the cats if they get near their food bowl. |