In the second story, perhaps, seen from a different perspective than my own, is a lady writer friend I've known for a long time and highly respect and admire. It was only recently that I learned what you will read here regarding her own sighting and encounter. Whether one is undecided, a knowledgeable believer, skeptic or debunker, what is an unarguable reality, is that untold millions of people, from all walks of life, have claimed to have experienced similar things to these stories and in many cases on a more profound level. At least with the first recounting that is. And now, with all that said, let's begin.
"There are no coincidences." ~ Carl Jung
1989 was a pivotal year in human history on this planet, particularly so in Eastern Europe. It was also one for this writer, in a sense. Although I had never been much interested in the subject of UFOs and Aliens, except for a brief period in 1977 after the release of Steven Spielberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind, events were to occur that year that changed my perceptions concerning the matter. Perhaps those perceptions had been there in some misty form all along, only waiting for the appropriate time to enter the light of day. Maybe, maybe not, is the best way to sum it up.
When the news broke worldwide about the UFO landing with entities briefly outside the craft in a park where mostly children were playing in Voronezh, Russia, and the mainstream news reporting on the crop formations in Britain, it really was like a shift in conscious awareness happened to me. Suddenly, I was enthralled by the subjects. Magazines, books, TV shows, radio shows, anything with info and speculation covering the topic of UFOs became of great interest here.
This went on for a couple of years before the enthusiasm faded somewhat around 1991 or early 1992. Before that time, though, it had gotten to the point of me walking out into the fields at night, lying down with my face to the starry sky and will, or rather ask, a UFO to come down and show itself. On many of these outdoor quests a faithful Siamese cat would follow me into the meadows and keep company, and in all kinds of weather at that.
And then one evening, after I'd moved to a new town, and had my mind and interest on the subjects much lessened by other things, it happened. As the old saying goes, things can occur to you when least or not expected.
One late afternoon, after arriving home from work, I was compelled to do something that wasn't a habit by any means. For whatever reason, I stayed in my truck in the open-air garage listening to the radio. This went on for about three hours, until what was later learned - thanks to a former state MUFON director acquaintance- to have been approximately nine o'clock p.m. on September the 29th, 1992.
At that time, I abruptly found myself standing in the front yard with no recollection how I'd gotten there from the truck . The very next thing was hearing the cows in a nearby pasture going wild with lowing. A strange cat was also at my feet, running back and forth as if on a yardstick, looking quite scared and confused. Next, and this, after much reflection on the experience, was a summation, that what happened right after hearing the cows and seeing the cat, might not have been of free will or happenstance, as my head just angled to the right and up for no particular reason, and just in time to see one of the two most amazing things I've ever seen.
Not two hundred and fifty feet away - probably closer, at near tree-top height - a craft, for I know not what else to call it, passed silently before me at perhaps 25 or 30 mph. It was around one hundred feet long, and thirty to forty feet in width through the middle. Ovoid-shaped, overall, with smaller ovals within the main outline. It also had a slight undulation along these edges, and an incandescent appearing light about it the likes of which it is hard to compare with anything or even describe properly. In addition, a back draft, like little sparkles, followed its progress for some thirty feet - and was detached from the end of the craft by maybe 10 feet. And, as a last detail about it, there was a grayish mist covering parts of the visible side it presented to view.
The sighting was quick, perhaps six or seven seconds, but thorough, as it then passed over some woods and out of view. I almost hopped in the truck to try and follow it but realized there were no roads to do so in that area.
This Close Encounter of the Second Kind was unique in that it turned out to have strong corroboration. That night, after the experience, I told a lady partner and an unrelated neighbor. They were both a bit incredulous, as I was myself, even considering the possibility of an hallucination, although in fact, the sighting was more numinous than anything hallucinatory and deep down I knew it..But I had to consider everything before totally accepting the fact that I had seen a UFO of unearthly appearance. But, as stated before, I know not its origins positively .
The next morning, the nearby big city news reported on it, and the craft was briefly picked up on radar at the international airport. There was also a church group, perhaps four or five miles away, who may have been the first to have seen it as they were leaving a Wednesday service. It was also learned by me later on, that the church group saw it at a farther distance from me and from a different angle. Its trajectory through the evening skies of that county and a small part of an a-joining one was rather brief and possibly on a set course.
And that my friends is the end of the story, related to you as straight-up as I know how.
In conclusion, it's a bit of a mystery to me that on coming inside the house, I immediately made a drawing of it with bubble captions describing different aspects of its appearance. On finishing the drawing, it was put in a kitchen drawer but, was nowhere to be found the next day or at anytime thereafter. Maybe, with the startling event mainly in mind it was placed somewhere else and inadvertently mixed up with junk mail that got thrown away at some point.
This video of a UFO that was taken in Brazil in 1991, is not exactly, but is close, in certain light configurations and shape, to what was seen. I only saw this after the story here was written. In fact, I saw it on a Netflix documentary soon after finishing the piece and then went on to the internet for the video. You might imagine the surprise here with the timing after so many years of looking at pics and videos for a match or something close to it. But, those things can happen, hence no speculation or added take will be forthcoming from me on this coincidence.
What can be said about Brenda as a person to the reader is this: she's a beautiful human inside and out, loyal, fiercely intelligent, a great writer, truthful, and a dedicated advocate for children. The list could go on.
As to her guest story, you'll be learning about it not long after myself. Her website search is below and is outstanding and well worth a look-see. Thank you, Brenda, for the courage and forthrightness to tell us of your remarkable sighting and amazing encounter as you experienced them, and, from your spritual perspective, too.
Brenda's articles can be accessed on the net under Hyphenbird @ HubPages. She also has several unique and colorful children's books that can be found on Amazon, our Book Shoppe on the site, and elsewhere.
The soul that rises with us, our life's star,
Hath elsewhere had its setting,
And cometh from afar:
Not in entire forgetfulness,
And not in utter nakedness,
But trailing clouds of glory do we come
From God, who is our home. ~ William Wordsworth
UFO-the very phrase causes spines to tingle and heads to bob. Some people instantly agree there are alien spaceships that visit our planet on a regular basis while others refuse to discuss the possibility that other life forms even exist. Debates about what UFO’s are have dragged on for years, resulting in anger, resentments, mistrust, family splits, and even murder.
We all have seen the six o’clock news stories where some wild-eyed, unkempt person babbles on about seeing a UFO. These unidentified flying objects are thought to be the brainchild of drugged out minds or inventions of poor deluded souls who have nothing better to focus attention on. However, UFO’s sightings happen to seemingly normal folk also. Now, I hesitate to call myself normal but I am indeed a law-abiding citizen who lives in a regular little town. I am a grandmother, a writer and am committed to Christ and the Christian principles of life. I was driving a Chevy van when my experience with a UFO occurred. You don’t get much more “normal” than that. Nevertheless, how does one explain such uncommon and remarkable things in perspective with a Christian way of life? It certainly is a conundrum I never thought to find myself considering.
On the day this happened to me, I had decided to drive into town and get some errands over with. I always went in using the back streets and then ventured onto one of the main boulevards which leads directly into our sweet little city. As I sat at the intersection waiting for a green light, a shadow caused my van do become quite dark. I thought a surprise thundercloud had moved in.
Now one’s first instinctive move is to peer out the windshield glass or side windows but surprisingly, I tilted my head back and looked up. I should have seen only the headliner above me, but instead could see the sky above and the vessel that hovered there. It was surreal and magnificent, a deep grey color and about the size of a school gymnasium. The skin of the craft did not reflect light but absorbed it as a sponge soaks up water. I instinctively knew and still believe this is how it is powered.
I intentionally choose not to dwell too deeply on the physical appearance of the Unidentified Flying Object. When we go on vacation, the type of automobile used to get us to our destination is not important. It is simply a tool that we use to fulfill a need. This UFO I saw was used in the same manner. So many people waste time on trying to figure out the size, shape and totally lose focus of what matters most-who these visitors are and why they appear to certain individuals. I intend, and hope to accomplish, to do that in this writing.
Few are aware that interest in UFO visits go millennia back, referring to unusual vessels that showed up and were recorded in the Holy Bible. The prophet Elijah was very close to God and they talked together daily. God wanted to spend all of His time with Elijah so He sent a chariot of fire and two horses of fire and Elijah was swept up in them and never seen again here on earth. Can you imagine the talk that commenced once word got around that the prophets apprentice saw a vessel fly through the sky, snatch up the venerable old man, and then disappear in a flaming cloud.
Well, my experience was not that exciting but it has stayed with me for years. I still firmly believe it happened. I do not know who or what I saw. Perhaps it was an angelic visitation. I certainly believe in angels, as do most people. I am a student of the Bible and read it daily, taking time to scrutinize passages.
Nowhere does the Bible state that we, here on earth, are the only forms of valuable life but clearly makes it known there are unseen beings that live in another dimension, or dimensions. We are not alone. We must begin to believe that things and experiences happen that we cannot understand or receive a satisfactory explanation for in the physical. For example, there are radio, television and internet signals all around us. We do not see or feel them but accept that they exist. Other life forms are the same way. We just need to apply the same principles to spiritual things.
Genesis 2:1 says, "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them." Host" means a lot, many, a multitude, a numerous array. It refers to here with the earth and the heavens, meaning all that these places contain. We know there are millions of planets and galaxies. Could a living being from another planet or dimension really visit us here on this “third rock from the sun?” Why not?
If some UFO sightings are angelic visitations, why are they using a “spaceship” when they can just manifest to the human eye? Perhaps they ARE that vessel, that UFO, that “spaceship”. They certainly are alien to us and are supremely intelligent. They were present with God in the beginning of mankind’s history, when He created this material universe we live in. Therefore they have the most superior comprehension of physics and technology.
Faced with such powerful beings, a vulnerable human like myself might indeed fall into a stupor of fear yet I was not the least bit afraid. I remember everything about my experience yet very little. I still remember the emotions and the feeling of extreme relaxation I felt afterward. I do NOT remember every detail or even returning home. Hours had passed and evening was upon us when I came to myself. I know I spent a great deal of time with these beings. Perhaps I even was transported to heaven itself. I honestly don’t know what to make of my special day.
I do know that we must be very cautious when investigating these occurrences. Not all angels are good, contrary to the popular thought that everyone who dies turns into a harp carrying, white robed cherub who floats around shooting love darts at unsuspecting humans. We are also told in the Bible that there are evil angels (demons) whose desire is to harm us, to totally destroy mankind.
The supernatural/paranormal realm is a dangerous place. Most of us do not have a clue how to protect oneself from the influence of beings who dwell there. They have no emotions like we do, no compassion or forgiveness. Since they do not have fleshly bodies, they do not feel pain, weariness or even love. They operate on a scale we humans cannot begin to comprehend. While my own UFO experience was from a safe place, not all are and one must investigate carefully and tread lightly. Alien-like creatures have been described over and over by so many people that a pattern can be placed on them to know whereof they originate. Reptilian (serpent-like) aliens have been recorded as appearing to people who have suffered near death or back from death experiences. They live in Hell and are servants of the great evil one himself, Satan.
Greys are reported to perform medical experiments with human and alien tissue. I believe these are some of the lecherous demon angels mentioned in Genesis 6, “…the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose.” These creatures do not have physical bodies but wish to have carnal relations so they attempt to create “hybrids” in hopes of achieving their awful goal.
The beings I was with looked nothing like those described above. They were huge and powerful and majestic, muscular and capable of fighting an army off single handed so to speak. Some had a myriad of glittering eyes that were colors unknown on earth while others shone with gold and a pearlescent glow. I was not only unharmed but filled with peace and joy. That is why I know they were good and of God.
There are other forms of aliens. I truly do not believe any are from outer space. No half way smart space traveler would come all this way and “hide out” just to spy on the earthlings. Really, it just is not a feasible or intelligent concept. Most people deny the existence of supernatural beings so they are more apt to believe in creatures from another planet or galaxy. This puts them at risk of demonic activity. Humans are fascinated by demons but hardly know anything about them. Take care that your own UFO experience does not land you in danger of falling prey to such creatures.
Remember that UFO means unidentified flying object. It could come from anywhere, not just outer space. I hope these reflections of my own personal encounter have given new insights and ways to think about this subject. My UFO encounter was a positive one and I have since researched and studied until I feel confident my findings are confirmed, but then, I suppose everyone else feels the same way. What is your take on the subject, dear reader? Please leave comments and/or questions in the comment section below. We want to know your opinion on this fascinating matter.